Data Backup

Data Backup

Did you know that mechanical hard drives have a life expectancy of about 4 years?

Your documents, client contacts, business communications, and financial records are just some examples of critical data that you don’t want to risk losing. We can’t stress enough the importance of a good backup strategy!

We are happy to offer managed backup strategies that fit your needs. If you simply need a local on site backup, we recommend considering a RAID storage array. These units provide greater reliability than a simple external drive because they copy your data across redundant drives, which can easily be replaced if they fail.

However, in a true emergency such as a fire or flood, we recommend having a full off site backup. You can have peace of mind knowing that everything is safely stored and waiting. We are partners with AVG and offer managed off site backups for servers and workstations on your network, using industry heavyweight StorageCraft’s ShadowProtect backup solution.



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